On December 6, Kristen Mierzwa, head of ETF strategy and business development at FTSERussell (FTSE Russell), a subsidiary of the London Stock Exchange, said that an encrypted index will be developed and more than 40 digital assets will be added to the new FTSE index.

It is reported that Mierzwa plans to significantly expand the digital asset index series launched in October, and currently only provides BTC, ETH and ADA data. Currently, 43 assets have passed the review process and it is confirmed that dozens of projects will be added to the FTSE Digital Asset Index in 2022. As more and more institutions set foot in the encryption field, the need for reliable and clear pricing has become urgent.

FTSE Russell estimates that by 2025, the global market value of cryptocurrencies will exceed $3 trillion, putting this asset class on a par with private equity. In addition, Mierzwa confirmed that stablecoins and even meme coins can be added to the index, and will also provide hybrid products to reduce risks by pairing cryptocurrencies with less volatile assets such as gold.

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Post time: Dec-06-2021