Daily afternoon news:Iran Bitisis exchange BTC premium close to $ 300
According to the Global Times on the 26th, in order to continue to impose sanctions on Iran, the United States will return to the Iran nuclear agreement.

The market price of Iran’s bitisis.com shows that BTC‘s current BTC price on the Bitisis exchange is 7795 dollars, which is nearly 300 dollars higher than the global average price.

Analysts said that the premium of Iran’s digital currency may be related to Iran’s recent domestic turmoil. The risk aversion in Iran has increased, causing the price of BTC on the Iranian exchange to be significantly higher than the global average price.

Also Read:https://www.asicminerstore.com/news/china-blockchain-summary-daily-evening-news/

Bitcoin data: The exchange’s net bitcoin inflows have rebounded
According to data monitoring on the Tokenview chain, the net inflow of bitcoin on the exchange yesterday was about 46,600 BTC, an increase of 37.07% from the previous month.

Among them, Bitfniex and Poloniex’s bitcoin net inflows have rebounded, and the remaining statistics of the exchange’s bitcoin are in a net outflow state.


Foreign media: Bitcoin giant whale Joe007 hints that the price of Bitcoin will drop after halving Bitcoin

According to Cointelegraph, the well-known bitcoin giant whale Joe007 has hinted that the bitcoin price has been halved, which may make bitcoin easily collapse. Joe007 said in a sarcastic tone:

“No, of course not included in the price. On the day when Bitcoin is halved, everyone will eventually realize how low the price of Bitcoin is, and they will all scramble to buy Bitcoin. Team up and use their unemployment checks. “


That’s the today’s daily news.


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Post time: Apr-28-2020