Fresh News1:Huobi Indonesia, Huobi Russia, and Huobi Argentina have launched HUSD trading pairs


According to official news, since April 7, the compliant stable currency HUSD has been launched on Huobi Indonesia, Huobi Russia, and Huobi Argentina.

Currently, USDT / HUSD and BTC / HUSD trading pairs have been opened.

HUSD is a compliant stable currency issued by Stable Universal, which is strictly 1: 1 anchored with the US dollar, and has been implemented in digital asset trading, payment, DeFi and other applications. Huobi Indonesia, Huobi Russia, and Huobi Argentina are all exchanges built on Huobi Cloud.


Fresh News2:Crypto industry blogger: Wall Street may hold 5% of Bitcoin’s circulation, about 900,000 BTC

The cryptocurrency industry blogger IvanOnTech said in a live broadcast that apart from Grayscale ’s public disclosure that it holds 1.7% of BTC ’s liquidity (about 360,000 BTC),several other major investment funds are also processing Bitcoin and other numbers Assets, so he speculates that the total amount of Bitcoin held by Wall Street may actually be 5% of the circulation, about 900,000 BTC.

-wow, can you believe it?

Also read:

China Daily News:Foreign exchange bureau: cross-border financial blockchain service platform completes accounts receivable financing loan amount of 22.7 billion US dollars

According to First Financial News, Foreign Exchange Bureau spokesman Wang Chunying introduced that the Foreign Exchange Bureau actively uses cross-border financial blockchain service platforms and other technical means to facilitate small and medium-sized enterprises to carry out trade financing.

As of April 7, the cross-border financial blockchain service platform has accumulatively completed 22.7 billion US dollars in accounts receivable financing, served nearly 3,000 entrepreneurs, and accounted for more than 75% of SMEs.


That’s the today’s daily news.

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Post time: Apr-17-2020